Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Religious Experience

This may be a little out there, and it's definitely personal, so sounds like the perfect thing to blog about right? ;-) We have recently switched churches. We were members of a methodist church downtown mostly because that's where my dad was a member. We made friends, felt at home, and liked it alot. However, many of our neighbors attend our neighborhood methodist church and we decided to give it a try. We've been hooked ever since. I've attended church all my life. Growing up in a small town, it was also a real community of people, not just somewhere you went on Sundays. My happiest memories are of sunday school, sitting in service with my grandmother while my parents sang in the choir, fried chicken and the cowboys game at my grandmother's, and then youth group in the evening. Our new neighborhood church feels exactly like that. The kids have friends from school there, and we have friends from everywhere there. My husband, who I used to have to convince to go to church, I now overhear inviting people to come with us. Our sunday school class is made up of friends and we talk about everything. It feels like a community and I honestly want to tell people about it. I'm happy to raise our children with our church community as their foundation. I know that same little voice that I heard as a teen will speak to them too and I hope they will make better decisions by following it. We all have lots of questions about religion, I know I do too. But I feel good there, I feel the presence of God there, and it makes our family happy. While I miss seeing my dad on Sunday, and I miss watching the kids go back and forth in the pews to sit with him for awhile, I know this was the right thing to do. God is working and speaking and we are listening.

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