Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Suggestion box is open!

Life is hectic. No doubt. But, when is it too hectic? When does trying to create so many experiences for our kids begin to detract from the experience for which it was intended? I want to do it all. Not a surprise for those who know me. I want to be a successful lawyer to teach my kids you can be successful in your career AND successful at home. In fact, maybe more successful at home because of your outside career. But man it gets hard. As the kids get older I feel like there is so much I need to teach them! I want to introduce and help foster (but not control) their relationshp with God. I want them to learn to be charitable. I want them to be compassionate. I want to teach them how to make good choices when they're faced with tough decisions. I want to teach them that sometimes you just have to CHOOSE to be happy. The older they get I realize just how quickly those tough decisions are going to be thrust upon them. It is overwhelming isn't it? I'm taking suggestions! How do YOU juggle?

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